
Welcome to Laura's blog about life and photography. I'm new at blogging so I'll be bumping through this till I find my groove. I'm owner and photographer of Greenehouse Photography, located in Anniston, Alabama. In a previous decade I was a clarinetist in the Wright Patterson Air Force Band of Flight. I am blessed with a wonderful husband, three grown children, and two young children. God is the center of my life, my family comes second, and then the creative business of photography. It's a pleasure to have a job at home that can be worked around my family's schedule. I am constantly learning new aspects of photography and I'll be posting about that and about life in general. My website is Feel free to sign up as a "follower" of this blog. Here's to a new journey.

Laura Greene

Friday, February 11, 2011

Continuing "The Joy of Love" Challenge

Coming right up, days 5, 6, 8, and 9.  Day 7 is "Generations" so I'll wait till I get more than our immediate family here and complete that later.  I still think "blog" is a funny word, it seems more like "blah(g)" to me!  


 I "Love to Hate" piles of unfolded laundry.  I love it because
I  have loved ones, I hate it because my laudry piles up.
They love each other, even when they bicker.

I got to choose fabrics from my grandma's stash of fabric,
then she hand sewed and hand pulled the wool to make it.

Mike and the kids all love to work puzzles in their spare time.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Behind but getting closer...

I'm behind by 6 days on my February photo challenge, "The Joy of Love."  I am caught up with my Christmas cards and doubled up with my Valentines Day cards.  I have stayed on schedule with an online advanced photoshop class and I'll be posting some assignment photos from that soon.  For today I'm sharing the Valentine postcard that I sent instead of Christmas cards. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Joy of Love

The "challenge" is called The Joy of Love and each day focuses on a different aspect.  See the titles on each photo.  Now I'm caught up!  We are encouraged to photograph our children, spouse, and even pets.

February Challenge

Facebook has linked me up with photographers from all over the country, that is blogging photographers.  Recently I've joined  a tutorial/challenge (Free!) through Willette Classic Children's Portraiture. We are to take a photo everyday based on the chosen theme and mini tutorial.  Today I will receive an assignment for Day 5.  I will post my photos as I figure out how!